ROAR II on INFORMS Transactions on Education

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I am really glad to share that the first paper describing ROAR II, the second part of ROAR (Ricerca Operativa Applicazioni Reali), is now available online on INFORMS Transactions on Education: “An Operations Research–Based Teaching Unit for Grade 10: The ROAR Experience, Part II”.

ROAR is composed of three teaching units, addressed to Grade 10 (mathematical modeling and linear programming), Grade 11 (graph theory and network applications), and Grade 12 (implementation and resolution of OR problems with Python and PuLP, respectively).

ROAR is the result of the collaboration among me (University of Calabria and, at the time of the implementation of ROAR, Università degli Studi di Verona ), Gabriella Colajanni (Università di Catania), Alessandro Gobbi (Università degli Studi di Brescia), Marinella Picchi (IIS Antonietti, Iseo, Brescia), and Eugenia Taranto (Università degli studi di Enna “Kore” and, at the time of the implementation of ROAR, Università di Catania).

Useful links:

Previous papers on ROAR I:

If you are interested in knowing more about the ROAR project, please feel free to contact us.