On Tuesday October 4, I had the chance to hold two teaching seminars in Naples, Italy, for the OPS4Math project. OPS4Math is currently addressed to about 30 higher-secondary school teachers, having the main goal to promote problem-solving skills and optimization algorithms to improve the teaching of mathematics. With half of the teachers in the classroom and the other half remotely connected on Teams, I exploited some of the exercises developed in our ROAR project. In particular, the first seminar was about solving two-variable optimization problems by using GeoGebra (PDF), whereas the second seminar introduced graph theory by means of social networks such as Facebook and Instagram, and presented classical optimization problems on networks, such as the Minimum Spanning Tree, the Shortest Path, and the Traveling Salesman problems (PDF).
Thanks again for the invitation, and also for the opportunity to spread ROAR more among Italian teachers, to Claudio Sterle, Adriano Masone, Andrea Mancuso, and Antonio Sforza from the OPS Lab of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University “Federico II” of Naples.