
1 minute read


ODS2022 has already finished. It has been a really intense conference, full of interesting talks, discussions, and exchanges of ideas and experiences, as well as some nice social activities, such as the treasure hunt in the centre of Florence, organized by Viviamo in Positivo – Clownterapia.

Thanks to Paola Cappanera, Fabio Schoen, and all members of the Organizing Committee for these rich four days which passed by too fast. Thanks to the keynote speakers Anna Nagurney, Dimitris Bertsimas, Dick den Hertog, and Maria Paola Scaparra for their inspiring talks about labour, inclusivity, and equity. They underline the need to integrate these principles in our methods and works to have more impact.

On Wednesday, August 31, during the invited teaching session, Eugenia Taranto and Alessandro Gobbi gave two talks about our ROAR project, respectively about some teaching aspects during the first unit of ROAR and the design and implementation of the second unit of ROAR.

On Thursday, September 01, during a session dedicated to discrete optimization, of which I was also chair, I gave a talk about a part of my Ph.D thesis, related to the relevance of studying the Monotone Boolean Duality and Dualization problems for Vertex/Facet Enumeration in operations research.

As AIROYoung, we mainly contributed with a special session on Friday, September 2. We designed an award to find the best dissertation in operations research in the last year at any Italian universities. In particular, the finalists were Anna Livia Croella, Daniel Faccini, Matteo Lapucci, and Serena Fugaro, who was also the winner. It was an honor to chair this session and to provide the opportunity to these young researchers to present their theses in front of a very crowded room of researchers and professors! We are very glad of this, and we’ll organize and improve this award again next year.